Embedded Librarian Request Form


Use this form if you need to request an embedded librarian for your Canvas course site. The embedded librarian will install a discussion board in your Canvas site. Interactions with the librarian will take place on this forum.

PVCC's librarians are academic professionals with graduate degrees in library and information science as well as other disciplines (such as English, history, political science, art, etc.); as such, they are fully qualified to teach all aspects of research and information literacy. If you would like to partner with one of these professionals, please fill out the form. For policies and guidelines, please consult the Library Instruction playbook

Please specify the level of interaction you wish us to have with your students.
If you pick option 2, please encourage your students to initiate first contact with the librarians. We will not intervene unless the student asks us.
What actions may we take in Canvas?
Choose as many as applicable.
Please tell us what assignments you would like us to assist with, if desired, and the dates that these assignments are assigned and due.